Sunday 9 February 2014

OT VIII and Beyond

LRH Legacy

 OT VIII and beyond what lies ahead of us???

While all evidence points to the fact that no new OT Level will be released by the Church in our lifetimes, for those lucky enough to have "strayed" away from the yoke of that Institution, the bridge needs not dead-end at OT VIII.

Throughout the years, there have been many speculations as to what OT VIII and beyond were about. A number of uninformed individual even started to broadcast, quite erroneously that LRH had never even researched or written those. The same people are also content to tell that the world that the "last technical lecture from LRH dates from 1972", utterly oblivious of the fact that in late 1975, LRH gave a series of 22 lectures on the Flag Only "Special Rundown" (later to be called "New Vitality Rundown" or NVRD, to a group of over 40 Tech People.

In 1977, in broadly released issues LRH announced that at least 15 new Levels were fully researched and merely awaiting final write-up. Also the Class X, XI and XII materials make repeated and specific references to these Rundowns coming from "research on OT VIII-XV".

I have also confirmed from private discussions with a number of individuals, some of which I have known for decades, and whom I consider to be honest and reliable that they even saw the materials themselves.


There is no such thing as OLD and NEW OT Levels, except within RTC's feverish mind (and therefore those of its followers). Except for "old OT I" (originally developed in 1966 and found in 1967 by LRH to be a dead-end), there has not been, since 1967 any "OLD OT Levels".

Its core issues written up in 1969, LRH found OT VIII to be "only for a High level Thetan", and the gradient simply too steep for most people, even a Full OT 7 completion. It took nearly a decade for tech to be developed to address those points.

Scientology Paradox

Definition of a Whistleblower (from the American Heritage Dictionary): One who reveals wrongdoing within an organization to the public or to those in positions of authority in the hope of reforming it. I have worked for and with the Church of Scientology for over two decades, assuming various posts and eventually reaching the Highest training level (Class XII) achieved by only a handful few. During that time I was able to experience first hand the numerous paradoxes and conflicts within. The same organization has been professing the highest possible humanitarian goals and has truly helped, at least for a time, many to achieve better lives. Yet in far too many documented cases, it has sought to enslave others through Mental and Emotional Manipulations or been guilty of Human Rights Violations.. THE SCIENTOLOGY PARADOX To explain the Scientology paradox, it is vital to distinguish its three components:
  1. Scientology, according to the very first recorded mention of it on November 28th 1951 (lecture titled: The Chart of Attitudes) "is a route: it is the study of science or the study of truth or the study of knowledge".
The reason I undertook that study was to help myself and others achieve greater abilities, develop more fully our potential and to reach higher levels of Spirituality. Many years ago, I established the firm postulate that no individual or Organization will ever be able to stray me away from those goals. Nearly 15 years after my departure from the Church of Scientology, those goals are more present than ever in both my life and my daily activities.
  1. L.Ron Hubbard , the individual (1911-1986). An important distinction is required here between it and "L. Ron Hubbard. the Trademark"..
L. Ron Hubbard the individual is of course a Man (not deity, hence by definition prone, at least in some form, to some of the imperfections of humankind) born in 1911 and deceased in 1986. "L. Ron Hubbard, the trademark" is that trademark owned by the "Church of Spiritual Technology (CST), a FOR PROFIT organization (and acknowledged as such by the IRS) who is led by three non-scientologists Special directors. (It main figure head being Meade Emory, a non-scientologist who was the IRS High Commissioner for many years. The Church of Scientology DOES NOT CONTROL CST, but rather the opposite. The Trademarks, L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology and Dianetics are controlled by them and the Church of Scientology has agreed to not appoint or remove any of its Senior Management structure without their approval. Note that the President of CST (a Scientologist) has no true power and that only its non-scientologist board of Directors has. Some have even argued that due to the direct links between CST's directors and the American Government, that the Church of Scientology had actually fallen under the control of Big Brother... L. Ron Hubbard Library is fictitious name officially registered by CST. In other words an alias. L. Ron Hubbard Library is found as the final signatory and authority in all current Church of Scientology documents, revisions of LRH originals and their publication, and new directives. Therefore anything revised after 1986, no matter how contradictory to the original philosophy of Scientology and to LRH (the individual) writings and recordings can be freely stamped "L. Ron Hubbard" as its author since it is legally defensible (as absurd it may be in the mind of most people). So this leaves us with two new paradoxes. A) L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology may not necessarily 100% of the time be in full harmony B) L. Ron Hubbard library has legal license to authorize the complete re-writing or editing of the works of L. Ron Hubbard (the individual), even if those were to satisfy somebody else's pernicious agenda. It can therefore, at its whim, grant the right to appose the name L.Ron Hubbard to any perversion of the original technology or of its original intent.
  1. The Organization: currently known as the Church of Scientology and including the Sea Organization and its numerous affiliates. Legally the Church of Scientology is accountable to no one but its leadership. It's Supreme leader is accountable to one but himself. By its very design the Church of Scientology has no provisions of any kind for any "Checks and Balances" since by Policy it is assumed that it is exempt from ever doing any wrong and that its leader is by definition infallible. (This is amply covered in the Organizational Executive Course Volumes). There has not been a single instance in Human History of an Organization without Checks and Balances, not eventually sinking into complete corruption. Corruption is like Cancer, if left untreated, it will lead to the death of the organism. The Church of Scientology 's actions are based upon the dictate of a self-appointed clique. This is not opinion but fact. The only legal defense to justify the take over of current Management of the Church in 1986 is a Will signed by L. Ron Hubbard the hours before his death, when it is doubtful from the amount of medication found in his body at death time that he would have been conscious or been able to sign the document in a full conscious state on his last day. After 20 years the same clique is intact, in spite of wholesale lower statistics and no evidence of stable expansion. (It lists of completions as published in Advance and Source Magazines, shows it is still falling seriously short of earlier levels). That clique per its own public admission is able to rewrote policy and does not tolerate any attempt to correct it or challenge it. It has ruthlessly declared a Suppressive Person anyone challenging their orders or anyone attempting to correct them, no matter how they contravened LRH own policies or how destructive their actions may be. It is almost trivial, under those circumstances to demonstrate that the philosophy of Scientology and the Church of Scientology as it is being operated today, are virtually in complete contradiction one from the other.
In Summary one cannot truly judge Scientology, or the philosophy of what stands for through the actions of the Church or even to a lesser degree to its author. Whatever reprehensible actions the Church may be currently doing is generally the product of aberrant behaviour by its leaders, and is not necessarily due to a fault in the design of the philosophy. Something remains workable because it is so or can be demonstrated to be valid. The actual biographical details or shortcomings of its designer do not necessarily invalidate the workability of something, especially when supported by experience and logic. From the 3 March 1952 lecture: "Introduction to Scientology" "Out of Scientology you could formulate, ...a very fine type of "thought warfare" which you could use enslave people utterly" My statement is therefore that the philosophy of Scientology correctly applied by someone in a benign way will routinely help people reach greater self-determinism, awareness and spiritual enlightenment. Perverted or used by people with ulterior motives and it will trap or enslave people.

Class XIIs
OJ Roos Liese Klingvall Tommy Klingsvall Mike Mauerer Leon Steinberg Quentin Hubbard Alex Sibersky Brian Livingston John Ausley Ron Shaffran Merril Mayo David Mayo Jeff Walker Murray Chopping Russ Meadows Alex Gerber John Eastment Robin Lindsell Paulette Ausley Karen DelaCarriere Gwen North Ray Mithoff , Snr C/S Carolyn Webb Alain Kartuzinski Minty Alexander Alan Stave Myriam Stave (OT VIII) Ted Cormier David Gellie Rick Sheehy Peter Buttery (OT VIII) Claire Reppen (OT VIII) Bodil Tucker Tony Rogers Linda Sydejko Malin Gelfan Richard Reiss, Snr C/S FSO Lisa Rentschler Carole Schwartz Rick Alexander Jo Struthers Pierre Ethier Jim Sydejko Ingrid Keller Peggy Eastment Ann Glushakow Edie Lundeen Bruce Glushakow Jerome Bloom Nina Paull Sheryl Weigand Hank Bourland Norman Herring Sheri Rabey

Brief Summary of my Career as a Class XII

After a shaky start, I eventually rose through the ranks and became Flag Top producing auditor and held that title undisputed for many years. I spent 4 years in the Class IV HGC, auditing the world's most difficult cases, including people who come to Flag having received over 20 intensives of "No results" in the field and looking forward to getting their first win and their first cognition in Auditing. I became an expert at the Case Cracker Rundown and acquired the utter unshakeable conviction that "There are No Failed Cases" and that a properly trained C/S and auditor will resolve 100% of the cases when applying the Tech correctly. I delivered Clear Checks and in spite of the confusion and numerous revisions about Clear Checks, Dianetics Clear Intensive, Clear Certainty Rundowns through the years, I am satisfied that to this day, that I have neither allowed someone to attest Clear who wasn't or failed to acknowledge someone who had made it. I eventually went through the OT levels. Sheer determination, not luck was the reason that I made it. Unless an auditor is flubless, has continually good results and can routinely pass the continual checks made with his auditing and submit passing Videotaped sessions, he will simply not be allowed to progress up the Bridge. Not only that, but one must take arrangements to get the required auditing as absolutely nobody is going to offer you to get up the bridge and do it for you.. After completing OT III and IV, I went onto NOTS training, I was eventually transferred to the NOTs HGC and audited thousands of cases at that level. I then went onto Solo NOTS and with the formation an HGC for Solo NOTS only, was transferred there. In the mean time, I was made to do a plethora of specialist courses along with their Internships. The only way, someone could move on up the bridge was by doing all the Tech Course and all the Internships. Among the more Interesting courses I did: the very lengthy and extensive AO review Auditor Course, seldom done by anyone, which deals with the entirety of the Clearing Materials ( a great deal more than any Clearing Course student would be required to go through), OT III, the Upper OT levels and contains data by LRH that are not part of any other course even the Class VIII materials. It is a sad fact that a few untrained individuals, who have not even read the materials in that course have elected themselves as "Supreme Authorities" on the Subject of Clear and OT III in the FZ. When I tried to inform them they did not have all the data, I was invariably told that they preferred to deny the existence of any LRH materials that had not been leaked to the FZ, calling what I knew, even if written or spoken by LRH, to be a "Hidden Data Line" Another fascinating course I did was the "New Vitality Rundown". Contrarily to statements made by uninformed people in Ron's org, the last set of Public Technical Lectures made by LRH was made in November 1975 in Daytona Beach, Florida to all Flag Auditors on what was called at the Time "The Special Rundown". The course, which I did directly under the Supervision of the Snr C/S Flag Land base has the 22 LRH lectures Series from late 1975 for its core. I was pleasantly surprised when I listened in their Introduction that I was listening to a Master, not a Copy and therefore no editing of any kind had been made, including a number of passages, where LRH suddenly paused, after having made a statement with political or other unsavory ramifications, would say loudly to a messenger :"You will have to cut that off, boy!". I spent several years in the Solo NOTS review HGC. Once there, I started doing the Solo NOTS EP Checks, as I could do them in all required languages but one and they wanted to strictly limit the exposure to the confidential EP of Solo NOTs (which is not shown to Solo NOTS pre-OTs). I did 95% of the Solo NOTS EP checks for the following 3 years. Since Solo NOTs completions count for a huge amount of the FSO Statistics and that traditionally in Scientology there is an incredible push to get sthe stats as High as possible before 2PM on Thursday, I would have seldom something else to do but Solo NOTS EP checks on Thursdays between 11AM and 2PM. I had the entire FSO and Flag Land Base Senior Executive structure flocking around me like a bunch of groupies for the last hour, as my actions would frequently dictate whether they were upstat or downstat for that week. This further cemented my repute as Flag Top auditor as in 3 years, contrairily to all others who had done them, I never flubbed one of those checks (flubbing would have been a virtual garantee to fail to attest the person before 2PM). and that I became utterly impervious to the Huge amount of expectation and demands that were put on my shoulders. I even managed to do high hours on my own Solo NOTS, being the only full time Sea Org Auditor to earn a special pin for doing 25 hours Solo in a week (This was on top of doing 45-50 hours on public and other Staff member duties). I managed to complete Solo NOTS to its true EP and became Solo NOTS completion #801. I would have been Number #800, but I was bumped so they could give that Number to a Celebrity. As the release of OT VIII neared, a new HGC was formed for OT VII completions only and I was transferred there, auditing now Solo NOTs completions exclusively. Then a new project came to get 5 Solo NOTS Review Auditors to become 100% flubless sec-checkers. Flubless sec-checkers are not merely people who are good at doing Confessionals. Confessional Technology encompasses the all fundamental auditing technique and all five styles of auditing. A flubless Sec Checker is a Flubless auditor Period. The standard and ante were raised to unimaginable levels, as Senior management expected only chronic perfection as the only acceptable standard. I was the first auditor to pass. The Snr C/S FSO was a distant second. Then one by one the remaining four. Even RTC had not managed to get any of their personnel to pass before the first two people in our group. Part of the unique materials provided for the course was the ONLY VIDEO session of LRH auditing with both TRS and Metering being observable. I saw the video over 100 times until the time my auditing skill became undistinguishable. In 1989 I finally completed the Saint Hill Special briefing Course. This is no small feat, as I had never been on full time study. The course is so long. In fact, I have never heard of anyone else completing the course on a part time basis and still working in the Sea Org. I spent so many days off, meal breaks, listening to tapes or going through the check sheet that only Tone 40 determination made me successfully go through. Shortly after, I found myself, doing full time training, for the first time in my life, on the Class VIII course. Then the Class X, XI, XII course and Internships, which I completed in short order. Alain Kartuzinski, a Class XII C/S who was for a long time one of the Snr C/Ses at the Flag Service Org, used to call me “The King” when referring to me as an auditor, perhaps because I had in a way become to Scientology auditing what Elvis became for Rock and Roll. I am not complaining about "mistreatment" while in the Sea Org. Though I would have more than enough legitimate reasons to complain, I view my experiences, both good and bad as important experiences. I have fully outgrown any desire or need at complaining, retribution or any type of hate mongering.

About Pierre Ethier

Pierre Ethier was trained in the Church of Scientology up to Class XII Auditor, and audited at FSO for 17 years. Between 1981 and 1992, Pierre Ethier was Flag top auditor every single year.

Pierre Ethier spent over 20 years as a staff member of the Church of Scientology studying the religious technology and helping people through religious counseling. Staff members of the Church are volunteer Ministers, who work full time on a charitable volunteer basis without a pay. After his departure from the Church in 1992, Pierre builds a very successful IT career dating back from the beginning of the internet era with the start up of the second largest ISP in the province of Quebec. Pierre holds a number of current prestigious professional certifications in the IT field.

Pierre Ethier is an applied Scientology auditor who, among other rundowns, mastered the famous “ Ls “ Rundowns in their powerful original. Pierre studied and delivered numerous of the so called Flag Only Rundowns, including the Original Super Power Rundown, Knowledge Rundown , Case Cracker Rundown , New Vitality Rundown , Fixated Person Rundown , Dynamic Sort-out Assessment , NOTs Stability Rundown, Held Down Seven Rundown, Int. by Dynamics Rundown, Havingness Rundown , The Prosperity Rundown, The Money Rundown, Profession Intensive, address variety of handlings like spiritual difficulties, issues, ethics , case situations and other.

The L Rundowns are based on an important research breakthrough  and furthering the understanding in the field spirituality and the mind.  The L Rundowns can be a beautiful experience of massive increases in affinity for others. The L Rundowns address every dynamic and go deeper into the case level resolving hesitations, evil purposes, address the main areas of irrationality that introvert a being or lesser his/her power. The receiving of the L Rundowns can lead to easing aberrations and also can lead to a new life and a new viewpoint of spiritual and mental rationality. One can eliminate fundamental aberrations and can increase certainty, stability and control, even in the face of the worse adversity. Pierre speaks fluently English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.

Pierre Ethier has been providing advanced Spiritual Counselling to people seeking to become more able by strictly applying what has been demonstrated to work and helps people attain self-fulfilment to lead more successful and happier lives. As people go closer to the Advanced Spiritual levels and find increased joy in life, their lives are affected for the better.

Pierre Ethier writes: "Being a Class XII does not merely mean trained to audit the Ls as some misguided people who got hold of part the Ls and started auditing them might think. Being an authentic Class XII is many light years beyond that."

The partial list of PCs Pierre Ethier has audited and published by the Church of Scientology consists of roughly 3500 people. It is by no means the complete list of the over 5000 people Pierre has audited at Flag. With virtually no exception he enjoyed auditing each of those people. Pierre is going over the list and recalling the gains and life changing improvements. His ultimate desire is for each of these people to reach happiness and spiritual Freedom, whether they achieve it in the Church of Scientology or in another.

A lot of those names have not been on Flag completion list for a very long time. Each and everyone should be told that


Anyone can move forward from whatever point they have been stopped, betrayed or given arbitrary actions that were not designed to help them.


Note: The L Rundowns , Flag Only Rundowns [Historically delivered at Flag Only] , NOTs [Historically delivered only in Advanced Organizations / Sea Organizations] , Power and Superpower require advanced auditor skills and trained C/S. The above rundowns should not be delivered without the supervision of a trained C/S as some of the handlings are in the C/S materials. The authentic Flag Only Rundowns materials have not been released in the Free Field.


About Pierre Ethier from the people who have known him the best, up close and personally:

"Pierre is charismatic, articulate, fun, and energetic. He exudes confidence and has great integrity, believes in honesty over little white lies, and compassion over cynicism. He brings passion to everything he does and to the people around him. He is naturally gifted and intelligent individual with an engaging personality."

“Pierre Ethier is professional, very busy, very successful, unique, unfinished, fabulously flawed, perfectly imperfect, outgoing and very loyal. He has genuine taste for the finer things in life. He is passionate about passion in life”.

“Pierre is a versatile individual who can conform to just about any situation. He loves learning, traveling, theatre and music. Pierre is competent in many areas and able to turn with ease from one thing to another. He is open minded and non-judgmental. He cares about people.”

“Pierre has a fondness for all the natural beauty of the great outdoors and loves to explore what Mother Nature has to offer. He is an individual with a passion about his favourite museums, art galleries and traveling abroad. Pierre loves spending a tranquil afternoon at a picturesque chateau / winery and also he appreciates the art of true fine dining with the whole culinary experience in a luxurious setting in addition to some stimulating conversation. Pierre is giving back to his community as often as possible and brings social value with the results of his professional work."

Michael Moore, President of IFA writes: "Pierre climbed his way up the technical bridge whilst at Flag, despite enormous counter intention, to become one of the most highly trained and productive auditors at Flag. When Flag became untenable under the new regime Pierre left and continued his work in the field as a Freezone Auditor and Case Supervisor. Pierre has audited a record number of hours and cases and has cracked more cases than anyone else In the Freezone and possibly at Flag when he was there also. Pierre continues to audit, c/s and crack cases that have been stalled for years. Pierre is totally unreasonable when it comes to standard tech. He is uncompromising and applies the tenets of the Policy Letter, "Keeping Scientology Working" to the letter.

If anyone is entitled to the status, Kha Khan, then it is Pierre Ethier. Pierre should rightly have been awarded this status at Flag many years ago."

F.D. on Facebook : "Hey, it was great-great-great meeting Pierre last night. Thank you again for bringing him out to see me. I'm glad the planets aligned, so to speak, that we were all in the same place at the same time. It was definitely a time to remember"

D. G. on Fecebook: ”I've heard many people say how great their auditing from Pierre was, I've never heard anyone complain about it.”

R. S. ‎on Facebook: “Pierre is a very highly trained auditor, he gets excellent results, his pcs rave and want more ... “

T. S. on Facebook: “‎2 B a Cl Xll trained auditor (in the Church) I consider a super human feat..(with all that pressure and suppression going on) and his PCs are not suppressed as they are in the church. I recon they get 10 times the gains in the field by him now..”

J.K. on Facebook: “SINCE you audited me 1 year ago my wife said that the last year of our marriage has been a pleasure for her“

M.P. on Facebook: “Hi Pierre, nice to meet you, you are a legend in Scientology world. I'm following you in your travels.”

D.F. on Facebook: " It was awesome meeting you, Pierre. I walked away enlightened by a true Elder Statesman"

P.C. on Facebook: "I am grateful to Pierre for standing up along with the Knowledge of the Truth even though among the few and making it possible again for, as always, to Play the Game Of Scientology Where Everyone Wins ! I know LRH is grateful to Him and Us for being constant and consistent in our purposes and goals along this path that He set out for us. And He is there and aware and communicating and operating ! Thank You !"

T.B. on Facebook: " I love a man that walks his talk. You always say hat not hit. You are a trusted holder of the tech, not many are. As LRH states don't acknowledge the barking dog, he will soon find something else to bark at. You are entrusted to bring the tech into a new day and new enlightenment and what you have stated above is doing that. We, the good are with you and uphold you. You may not hear us everyday but we are. Much strength to you my friend...we have a job to do. Your wife has much affinity to and with her also."

 Michael Pattinson on Facebook: "Pierre I remember making your Class12 auditor and C/S Certs in 1976 at Flag and getting LRH to sign them."

P. C. : "This is one of the proudest days of my Life to have Pierre Ethier be my friend on Facebook. Thanks to all on this level that are friends. Here's to The Triumph Of Life !"

 R.M.: "Hello Pierre, I want to thank you for all the info on your blog. It really has gotten me closer to confronting my own dynamics and wanting to go OT.  I am going to continue reading your blog and frankly feel safe doing so knowing you have done so much and have lot's of experience with the tech."

David Graham, Lead Flag C/S: " I think at this point I should make a comment about the "Mecca of Technical Perfection". About four or five of the auditors in the case cracking unit were very good, with probably Peirre Ethier the best. Then there were five or six who were competent but not in the same class. Then there were on average about ten or so, interns. Some of them were experienced outer org auditors at Flag to do their Flag internships to improve their skills. But then there were those who were Flag public who had been required to do Flag auditor training to improve their solo auditing ability, so they too were required to do Flag internships, and did their auditing in the case cracking unit, with limited skills. So even though the DofP did his best to assign PCs requiring expert skills, too frequently the assignments were a disaster and the PCs who were promised the best, just plain didn't get it. So it was a Mecca in the sense that you might find technical perfection, if you were damned lucky. And many weren't!"

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